Using Ubuntu server 10.4, I apt-getted php-apc
Where is the apc.php file that I'm meant to copy?
Using Ubuntu server 10.4, I apt-getted php-apc
Where is the apc.php file that I'm meant to copy?
Accourding to the page about php-apc the file can be found compressed here /usr/share/doc/php-apc/apc.php.gz
If you don't want do look online you can query the list of files installed by the package managment system by using a command like dpkg -L apc.php
find / -name apc.php* 2>/dev/null
"Find, within /
, resources matching apc.php*
, and discard stderr."
E.g. this may return /build/buildd/php5-5.3.2/pear-build-download/APC-3.0.19/apc.php
I came here looking for this file after installing APC on CentOS with PEAR. After tracking it down with Ben's find suggestion, I thought I'd post its path in case others end up here:
From the README.Debian
- Viewing statistics and tunning your cache
APC come with a script called apc.php. This script provides detailed information about your cache. In Debian this script is in /usr/share/doc/php-apc. Copy or symlink the file to your docrot and access it with you browser. If you install the php5-gd package you will also be present with graphics. In order to understand the information and use it to tune you cache refer to the APC documentation at:
-- Pietro Ferrari Wed, 17 Dec 2008 11:23:39 -0500
This file was located in /usr/share/doc/php-apc
If nothing else works, you can download it directly from PECL by hand:
cd /tmp
wget -O - | tar xz --wildcards apcu*/apc.php
mv apcu*/apc.php apc.php
rm -r apcu*/
# mv apc.php /wherever/you/want/apc.php
You can get it here for apcu You can also look through the repo here