i want 3 dedicated servers: in USA, Europe and China. They all run exactly same website. I want to setup them so, that particular user will automatically talk to the nearest in network sense instance of my web site.

Which options do i have to make this work (I heard, Anycast is for that, what else )? I need both a list of options and simple how-to or link, explaining the setup process.

thank you

2 Answers2


There's a very similar question here that'll probably be useful to you:

Geo-DNS providers?

Chris Thorpe
  • 9,903
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Chris' answer is about DNS, so this one is about anycast :

What is "anycast" and how is it helpful?

I find that anycast is more fault friendly that dns.

A bgp routing change will propagate more quickly than DNS entry.

So if a server become unreachable, removing the route to it will ensure that all traffic goes to one server.

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  • Definitely, anycast. Many advantages, such as if you need to bring down a site for maintenance, just stop announcing the route. – MikeyB Jul 21 '10 at 16:49