I have read this topic What's involved getting domain name pointed at my dedicated server (Win2008)?

but it's not precise enough for me.

At my registrar I have

A Records  
Name (ex. www)
TTL (ex. 3600)
IPv4 Address (ex.

When I tried to add www and the IP address of my own server it says error processing the request, why ?

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4 Answers4


You are not using your WAN address - so that will not work. 192.168.x.x addresses are not routable on the internet and therefor will not be accepted. IPChicken.com is a great place to find you external IP.

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On your server, go to http://www.wimip.com/ in a web browser. That IP address there? That's what you need to put into your DNS. As Grishanko said, 192.168.x.x addresses are not valid for use on the internet.

Mark Henderson
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To find out your WAN IP address you can use a web site like What Is My IP Address?

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For some reason it didn't work but the registrar did it finally.

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  • Glad you resolved this issue. Please be sure to mark your answer as "accepted" when you are able. – jscott Jul 25 '12 at 14:33