I have a custom Tomcat 6 installation on an Ubuntu box. I'm trying to get it to start on system boot, but can't seem to find a script to put in /etc/init.d. Where can I find one? Or how do I write it myself?

Konrad Garus
  • 143
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2 Answers2


If you need more sophisticated script, then you can attempt to use /etc/init.d/tomcat6, which is provided by tomcat6 package:

mkdir tomcat6-pckgsrc
cd tomcat6-pckgsrc
apt-get source tomcat6
cat tomcat6-6.0.28/debian/tomcat6.init

To install as bootable System-V style init script use:

update-rc.d tomcat6 start 17 2 3 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 6 .
# update-rc.d -f tomcat6 remove