I just got a linux box and i installed apache, mono and i'm about to install mysql.

I checked the memory with free -mt and got this.

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           492        470         22          0         31        343

This means i have 492mb in total and i am using 470!?! how can i be using 470! i should only be running apache2. How do i figure out where my ram is going.

  • possible duplicate of [Why does Red Hat Linux report less free memory on the system than is actually available?](http://serverfault.com/questions/9442/why-does-red-hat-linux-report-less-free-memory-on-the-system-than-is-actually-ava) – Warner Jul 09 '10 at 22:50
  • I am sure its NOT reporting memory falsely. –  Jul 09 '10 at 22:52

3 Answers3


The -/+ buffers/cache displays the actual memory available on the free column. Linux uses unused memory for caching disk I/O.

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  • So i am using 95mb and have 397 cached? -/+ buffers/cache: 95 397 –  Jul 09 '10 at 22:53
  • 5
    397 would be the free amount if I'm reading what you're attempting to say correctly. See also: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ – Warner Jul 09 '10 at 22:54

Use top and/or vmstat for further analysis of memory and memory usage in Linux.

  • 2,609
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try this

top -d 0.5

and if you want post the output

  • 231
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  • 11