I have a VirtualHost set to proxy all requests to another server running on port 9000.

What I have :

ProxyPass / http://localhost:9000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9000/

What I've tried :

! ProxyPass /test.html http://localhost:9000/
ProxyPass /test.html ! http://localhost:9000/
ProxyPassMatch !^/(.*\.html)$ http://localhost:9000/$1 

None of which worked...

I'd like to exclude a file or a set of files from being proxied, the documentation says something about "The ! directive is useful in situations where you don't want to reverse-proxy a subdirectory.", but there are no examples for that situation.

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1 Answers1


Ok, figured it out, turns out that - obviously - there's no need to specify the proxy for excluded paths.

ProxyPass /somedir !

works great

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  • Hmm. This is interesting because if you were using AJP to link to Tomcat (for serving dynamic JSP content) , then this directive might allow you to , for example, exclude the "/images" directory on the server so that Tomcat serves the images instead of Tomcat??? – djangofan Apr 28 '11 at 22:43
  • Well, it does. I'm not sure I understand your question. – Andrei May 03 '11 at 17:10
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    Note that this has to go before the other ProxyPass directives in order to have an effect, since the first match is the one that gets applied. – Ryan C. Thompson Jan 18 '16 at 01:57