I was wondering if there's an easy way to install Eucalyptus on a single VT-enabled machine (all Front End, CC, NC..), without installing XEN along with it's specific kernel and dependencies:

kernel-xen x86_64 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 update 20 M xen x86_64 3.0.3-105.el5_5.3 update 1.9 M xen-libs x86_64 3.0.3-105.el5_5.3 update 155 k

Only KVM. Is it possible ? Do I have to go for sources instead of packages ?

3 Answers3


you need at least two computers to get started. One will be the cloud 'servers' (CLC, WC, CC and SC) the other will be the cloud 'node' (NC). The node computer must have hardware-virtualization enabled CPUs.

This document really helped me getting my first cloud of the ground: http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/pdf-version-of-eucalyptus-beginners-guide-uec-edition/

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  • You can use one computer as both the CC/CLC and as an NC. If you really really want. – mattdm Jan 17 '11 at 14:45
  • @mattdm, you’re right it’s doable. What I like with the two machines setup is the fact that it’s simple and that it prevents the simple fake of ‘just-starting-a-VM-by-hand-without-using-the-cloud’ – pcantin Jan 17 '11 at 20:06

KVM only works fine !

I have tested it on UEC 10.10 (out of the box) and also on CentOS 5.5. On CentOS you will need to uptdate your machine before installing KVM (yum update -y) I am maintaining many nodes on CentOS with only kvm.

You dont have to install eucalyptus from source, the binary packages (tarbal or rpm) are both working fine.

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Are you running centos or redhat?
Eucalyptus support only xen on those machines.
And kvm with standard rh/centos kernel is a bit too old.

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  • I'm running Centos 5.5, and yes, the kernel is a bit too old but KVM works nicely on another Centos machine. –  Jun 21 '10 at 08:47
  • FWIW, CentOS 5.5 included a major update to KVM, invalidating this earlier answer. – mattdm Jan 17 '11 at 14:45