I've recently setup a Windows Server 2008. It's running an email server, Squeezebox server, MS SQL Server, etc. I'm doing remote maintenance with UltraVNC.

I had everything working fine. Then the server needed to access a network share on another machine, and I was prompted to turn on network discovery, which I did. I chose the Home rather than Public option.

Since doing that, some things have stopped working, while others are still fine.

  • Shared folders and the the Email services (ports 25 and 110) are still accessible.
  • VNC (port 5900) and Squeezeboxes (port 9000) no longer work.

Here's what I've tried to try to solve the problem:

  • Checked the network discovery settings, to see if anything looked strange.
  • Checked the firewall settings, and those ports appear to be open.
  • Also in the firewall settings, the entries for Private domain Network Discovery were all on, but the Domain/Public ones were off. I tried turning those on.
  • In the services, turned on Function Discovery Resource Publication and SSDP Discovery.

Any other suggestions?

Mike Hanson
  • 209
  • 2
  • 10

1 Answers1


I've determined some more details which changes the focus of this question, so I've posted a new one.

Mike Hanson
  • 209
  • 2
  • 10