I get the following error logged into the Event Log every 5 minutes:

The SSP Timer Job Distribution List Import Job was not run. Reason: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

In addition, OWSTimer.exe periodically gets into a state where its consuming almost all the CPU and only killing the process or restarting the Sharepoint services fixes it (although I'm not sure if this is a related or seperate issue).

I have tried the following (based on various suggestions floating around the web), all to no avail:

  • iisreset (no affect)
  • Added the Sharepoint and Sharepoint Search service accounts to Log on as a batch job and Log on as a service policies in the Group Policies for the domain. I went into the Local Computer Policy on the Sharepoint server and verified that those policies had actually been applied
  • Verified that the Sharepoint and Sharepoint Search service accounts are both in the WSS_WPG group
  • Verified in dcomcnfg that the WSS_WPG group (and indeed the Sharepoint and Sharepoint search service accounts) has local activation rights for SPSearch.

Any more suggestions would be valued.


  • 121
  • 4

1 Answers1


This article on TechNet provides a few additional items that you'll need to check:
