Successfully joined my Linux Box to a Windows AD Domain. Wanted to know from other admins if it us possible to specify what groups from windows ad is allowed to login? Otherwise anyone with a AD account can login. Suggestions?

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3 Answers3


I heartily recommend Likewise-Open for this sort of thing (http://www.beyondtrust.com/Products/PowerBroker-Identity-Services-Open-Edition/), because they make it dead simple to specify the groups able to log in, and the like.

The simplicity and time savings alone is worth checking it out. I built an AD infrastructure specifically to authenticate Linux users against AD, and I used this tool to do the configuration. I'm not a paid shill, I've just had such a good experience with it that I can't talk about it enough.

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Matt Simmons
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Go to where the computer object is located in AD and right click and select Properties. Under the security tab you can specify who has access and their rights on the machine.

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  • Have you verified that this works with Linux hosts? I may be wrong, but I'm nearly 100% certain that it does not. – EEAA May 10 '10 at 22:03

I've recently completed a Linux/AD integration project at my employer. I tried out Likewise, but didn't appreciate the complete mess it made out of the LDAP tree in Active Directory. Anyway, I ended up going the "homebrew" route with mit-kerberos, ldap, and pam_ldap - we couldn't be happier. I use the AllowGroups directive in my sshd_config to limit which AD groups are able to authenticate to the server. This has worked quite well for us so far.

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