I'm attempting to install OpenSolaris 2009.06 on my server. Before I do I would like to test that everything works and am running in to problems.
It has an Abit AN-M2 motherboard with an NForce chipset. The driver config utility says that I need a third-party driver and links me to http://homepage2.nifty.com/mrym3/taiyodo/eng/. Scrolling to the bottom, I have downloaded both tgzs just in case.
Now the fun part: The only way to get this on to the computer is via a USB drive since I can't access the network. Also, install CD in the drive otherwise I'd just burn them to DVD. Since my USB key is NTFS formatted I cannot mount it since the install CD seems to be lacking NTFS drivers which require more downloaded packages.
What should I do?
The server will simply be a dumb NAS and I know that there exists other OpenSolaris-based flavors such as Nexenta but from what I read the stock install is likely the best. If this is not the case and pursuing a different flavor is required or better I will also accept that as an answer (but please don't jump straight to it).