My X11 crashes if I have the following .xinitrc

My .xinitrc

exec /Users/Masi/.cabal/bin/xmonad

I am not sure where the bug is.

Files which I know affects the startup are

  1. ~/.cabal/bin/xmonad
  2. (perhaps): ~/xmonad.hs
  3. ~/.xinitrc

I have completed the steps in the tutorial.

Which files do control XMonad's startup in Mac (Leopard)'s X11?

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    What problem did theman's answer solve, and what problem is persisting? – Clinton Blackmore May 29 '09 at 03:25
  • @Clinton: We know now that the bug is in my .xinitrc -file. It seems that the problem is in XMonad in Mac. I have no idea where to debug. -- I have reinstalled the packages. -- This suggests me that the problem is a combability issue. – Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 May 29 '09 at 19:01

3 Answers3


Do you get anything useful logs in console?

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1. ~/.xinitrc

this guy gets called when you type "startx". Mine looks like this:

exec /Users/theman/bin/dwm

I bet your problem is this file. This is called when X starts. dwm is my window manager, if that path doesnt exist, its trying to execute somethign that isnt there, and obviously will crash. reply with your ~/.xinitrc

2. ~/.Xresources

not quite sure

3. ~/.Xmodmap

this is key bindings and such

4. ~/.Xsession

not quite sure

5. ~/.Xdefaults

this sets defaults, such as background color, for your terminal and/or other X apps

6. ~/.Xauthority

not quite sure to be honest

Also, what version os and X are you using?

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fseventer will let you see what files are in use, graphically. (Try fs_usage if you want a command-line app.)

One more file to look at is ~/Library/Preferences/org.x.X11.plist.

Clinton Blackmore
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