I wondered if any of you who have a fleet of laptops are using anything to back them up, and if so what?

In particular I'm looking for a solution that is totally hands-off once installed i.e. the user doesn't have to do anything, press anything, remember to change something when their domain password changes etc.

Right now we use Druva Insync which I have to say is pretty damned good, however our license is up for renewal in a couple of months so I want to be sure it's the best solution before renewing - the only other vaguely comparable product that I know of is from Atempo but the cost of a SQL Server license is a big problem there.


John Gardeniers
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6 Answers6


Backup Exec 2010 with Desktop/Laptop option. Easy add if you use Backup Exec already

Dave M
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We use Iron Mountain's PC Backup, I don't support the back end, so have no idea how good that it, but it's completely seamless from the client.

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  • I work for Iron Mountain, although not in the division that sells or supports Connected. I have it on my work laptop of course, that's part of the corp package. I also have it on my home machine and have had few problems with it, and it has saved my iTunes catalog from corruption a couple of times. Hey, it's my home machine :-) – mfinni May 04 '10 at 20:46

We're using Attix5, works like a charm.

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backuppc, amvar, ?

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I wonder if Atempo can be used with SQL Express. I say that because I think Atempo is one of the best solutions, with Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010 a close second.

If you do server backups with Backup Exec, than you can use the Desktop and Lapotp Option (DLO). However, I would not deploy Backup Exec just for DLO.

Doug Luxem
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  • Thanks. AIUI Atempo actually stores the data in SQL though I'll go take another look right now. DPM 2010 did look like a possibility, I just found the DPM website all over the place between working out what's in 2007 and 2010. – flooble May 05 '10 at 17:59

The UK National Health Service in Sussex use Backup exec for their backups... While I was working for them it seemed to be a very effective solution!