I'd like to use eventcreate from a batch file to log the results of a file copy job (robocopy). What I'd really like to do is use the output of the file copy job as the description of the event (/D of createevent). The trouble is, there are multiple lines in the file copy output, and I've only been able to get one line into a local variable or a pipe command.

I've tried reading a local variable in from file, like

set /P myVar=<temp.txt

but it only gets the first line.

How can I write multiple lines to the description of an event from a batch file?

  • 1
    Beware ^L (control-L or ASCII 12) is a formfeed character, ^J (control-I or ASCII 10) is a linefeed character. –  Jun 03 '13 at 12:43

2 Answers2


You have to parse the log and and change and CRLF to just LF (ctrl-l).

Here is an example:

EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /ID 1000 /l application /d "This is text^L this is line 2"
Jim B
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  • This doesn't work for me. It's all on one line in the event log with the ^L printed out literally. – Adam J.R. Erickson Apr 30 '10 at 21:14
  • hmm I tested this out on windows 7 what OS are you running this on? Did you type ctrl-l or ^L? – Jim B May 01 '10 at 03:13
  • I think I copied and pasted. Hitting Ctrl-l did the trick. How would I get that into a batch file, though? – Adam J.R. Erickson May 10 '10 at 21:27
  • Using just native tools it's challenging. The simplest way would be to use copy con to type the character into the file then use notepad to finish the batch file. – Jim B May 12 '10 at 13:35

You can construct a multi-line variable by yourself, called !LF!. This post offers detailed explanation of how the newline hack/the CMD parser works.

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

(set LF=^
%=--------DO NOT remove this line. Expands to nothing--------=%
set "lines=" reset LINES to 0
set "in=temp.txt"

call :readlines "%in%" lines

<"%in%" (FOR /L %%# in (1 1 %lines%) do (
    set "data="                                ::clear DATA
    set/p"data="                               ::read from IN
    set "fileContent=!fileContent!!data!!LF!"  ::manually construct multi-line variable
)) %= read file by lines via SET /P =%

EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /ID 1000 /l application /d "!fileContent!"
exit /b

:readlines FILE VAR
FOR /F %%L in ('
"findstr /N "^^" "%~1" %= do not skip empty lines =%"
') do set/a"%~2+=1" %= Get the # of lines =%
