I have setup access for the users to their mailfiles on Domino 8.5.1 using Inotes. The reverse proxy in use is Apache. It works fine. This is the current configuration i am using. Virtual host is commented out.

The user types e.f.g.h and is being pointed to a.b.c.d and this works correctly without using virtual host. How would i implement this using Virtual Host


ServerName ???

ProxyRequests off

ProxyPass / http://a.b.c.d/
ProxyPassReverse / http://a.b.c.d/
ProxyPreserveHost On

<Location />

ProxyHTMLEnable On 
ProxyHTMLURLMap / /
RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding

Jeff Atwood
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1 Answers1


All you need the change is ..

`<VirtualHost server.site.com:80>`
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