anyone know if the Zend Framework is built in Ubuntu 9.10 server edition ? if yes, how to check it from command line?

3 Answers3


It is apt-cache search zend-framework, but it's not the most recent version.

PS: Doesn't this question belong to serverfault?

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  • this is wat i get : libzend-framework-php - a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5 zend-framework - a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5 zend-framework-bin - a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP 5 –  Apr 24 '10 at 13:36
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    What I get from your question is: "Is Zend Framework available in the ubuntu 9.10 package repository". So when doing a search it turns out there is. To install it do `sudo apt-get install libzend-framework-php` which will probably install it to `/usr/share/php`. – Htbaa Apr 24 '10 at 18:34

You can also check by visiting packages.ubuntu.com.

Here is a list of packages with the name zend on karmic.

  • 128,755
  • 40
  • 271
  • 413

I dont think that the Framework is shipped by default. You can try to do something like

locate Zend 

or run the zf tool from your bash (zf.sh) , if it returns something the framework is ready.

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  • I get the following : /usr/share/doc/libzend-framework-php/demos/Zend
    . 'any more listing' Is this mean I have Zend installed ?
    –  Apr 24 '10 at 13:23
  • is the new line –  Apr 24 '10 at 13:24