I rebooted my esx 4 server today and was greet by a single bit of text that said GRUB and it hung. I am attempting to restore the MBR GRUB partition, but am having difficulties. All i have is the ESX 4 installation ISO. Can someone help me with the procedure to make this work?

Erik Funkenbusch
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2 Answers2


I was able to fix it by booting from the ESX 4 DVD, then stepping through the install until it loaded the storage drivers. Then, ctrl-alt-F2 and this procedure:

# grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

then rebooted and all was good.

Erik Funkenbusch
  • 600
  • 10
  • 27

I've used this Super Grub Disk to repair a linux install's boot loader before. Can anyone confirm that this will work with ESX?

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