the www versions of all my sites work. the non-www version don't work. All non-www versions go to my default vhost (galengrover.com)

Here are the first 2 virtual hosts in httpd.conf.

ServerName galengrover.com

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin galenjr@gmail.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/sites/galengrover.com/html
    ServerName www.galengrover.com
    ServerAlias galengrover.com

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin galenjr@gmail.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/sites/skatevideosonline.net/html
    ServerName www.skatevideosonline.net
    ServerAlias skatevideosonline.com

Im clueless. Thanks

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2 Answers2


Has DNS propigated? For me, galengrover.com 301 redirects to www.galengrover.com.

skatevideosonline.com is a spam blog. skatevideosonline.net shows content from www.galengrover.com but skatevideosonline.net isn't a ServerAlias in the configuration you posted...

Did you mean

ServerName www.skatevideosonline.net
ServerAlias skatevideosonline.net

instead of

ServerName www.skatevideosonline.net
ServerAlias skatevideosonline.com


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Remove the ServerName directive outside of your <VirtualHost> blocks.

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