Our company uses NTLM to authenticate users.

But there are a bunch of softwares with LDAP authentication support. So, is there a way to setup an LDAP server (preferably under WinNT), which can authenticate users via NTLM?

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1 Answers1


Active Directory provides an LDAP service.

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  • He does say WinNT, so maybe he's a decade behind the state of the art and AD isn't available in his environment. – mfinni Mar 30 '10 at 14:40
  • He does say "preferably" so that doesn't rules out AD. AD can authenticate in both LDAP and NTLM so seems still a valid answer to me. – jlliagre Mar 30 '10 at 15:08
  • Since he doesn't seem to know that AD includes LDAP, I don't want to assume anything at all :-) – mfinni Mar 31 '10 at 00:35
  • Precisely, that was worth pointing out AD does include LDAP and so might be what the OP is looking for. – jlliagre Mar 31 '10 at 00:49