So that subsequent request can still use the current connection.

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3 Answers3


The KeepAlive option controls whether connections are kept open after a request. KeepAliveTimeout controls how long Apache will wait for a subsequent request.

Phil Ross
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You need to set

KeepAlive On


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According to the Official Apache Documentation, it would depend on the programming of the "thing" connecting to the apache server. Thus HTTP/1.0 source programming will have some difficulty in doing what you are asking....whereas HTTP/1.1 protocol programming will make it easier to make this happen.

" For HTTP/1.0 clients, Keep-Alive connections will only be used if they are specifically requested by a client. In addition, a Keep-Alive connection with an HTTP/1.0 client can only be used when the length of the content is known in advance. This implies that dynamic content such as CGI output, SSI pages, and server-generated directory listings will generally not use Keep-Alive connections to HTTP/1.0 clients. For HTTP/1.1 clients, persistent connections are the default unless otherwise specified. If the client requests it, chunked encoding will be used in order to send content of unknown length over persistent connections. "

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