There are some programs which can display used disk space using a treemap, such as WinDirStat for Windows and KDirStat for KDE/Linux:

KDirStat screenshot

I'm looking for something similar, but for a headless Linux box. (E.g. run console data collection program on the server, then load the file in a graphical program in a GUI environment.)

Alternatively, what are other good ways to get a structured used disk space representation, with just SSH access?

Vladimir Panteleev
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  • this javascript parses du output: http://code.google.com/p/treemaplib/source/browse/trunk/TreeMapJS/sample-du.html – eadmaster Nov 08 '13 at 08:38

6 Answers6


NCurses Disk Usage (ncdu) is good for this. See http://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu for details. It's available as a package for most popular distributions and lets you browse and find out where your disk space is used. It uses text characters to display a bar-chart of directory usage so you get a semi-graphical interface, in a text only environment.

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gt5 is very nice. It has a console interface and also creates html files you can view in your browser. It's in the repositories so you can just apt-get it.

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I use du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11.

It shows the top ten directories by disk consumption. I use it on /home and such all the time.

Aaron Copley
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  • Brilliant! Nothing to install, does the job just fine, even if it requires navigating a little bit and run the command in different places to investigate where has all your free space gone. – sylbru Aug 27 '18 at 17:13

xdiskusage allows you to pipe the output of du into it for analysis. It's a great option.

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For headless servers philesight might be of great use.

(kludos for that gem go to http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-analyze-your-disk-usage-pattern-in-linux/)

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You can run the same command if you connect on the server via ssh and use ssh X forwarding and an X server on your workstation. If you want from commandline:

df -k /*|sort -n
Mircea Vutcovici
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    Yeah, that's obvious, but I don't want to install KDE on a server :) And I was looking for a nicer/more structured method than just sorting all files by size... edited question to clarify. – Vladimir Panteleev Mar 08 '10 at 18:17