I got my asp.net web application to run on a shared hosting.... When i inspected through firebug i found WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd returned 404 not found....

WebResource.axd?d=rpqvYNSuvgzlFHiQAGNqVg2&t=633861392532362500 - 404 not found

ScriptResource.axd?d=QH2WS5PI-hjjDYgFwsGU2R-Ze_5jnx-rARAoYxg3JBJyMBl78kd2glg_Q2erkzpacmOcEqLLKqaqHoUVJifLezkXnAGUAWVurxXH feAY8yI1&t=ffffffff873865f3 - 404 not found

Then i searched in stackoverflow and found this link,

ASP.NET web application - WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files - Loading time issue

It didnt help me... I am on shared hosting... I use asp.net 3.5 sp1 and sqlserver2005..

I dont use any ajax libraries...

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2 Answers2


Maybe the HTTP handler was deactived globally. You could try to add this to the httpHandler section of your web.config and see what happens:

<add path="WebResource.axd" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader" validate="true"/>
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Plesk Admins, Please disable the Web Application Firewall to solve this issue.

Tools & Settings > Web Application Firewall > Turn Off
