First, I'm not sure if this question should be here or superuser, but here it comes.

Im trying to set up a room to auto accept meetings and so far its good but i was wondering if it's possible to change it to "do not send respond" when it accepts and sends some reply when it's the same time as another existing meeting, so it declined.

And a little extra question: is it possible to chance that auto reply it sends, since it's in English, and I would like to chance it to Danish and some text I choose myself?

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1 Answers1


To set all of the Room mailboxes on your Exchange 2007 server to AutoAccept any available times, you may run the following PowerShell command.

Get-Mailbox | Where-Object {$_.ResourceType -eq "Room"} | Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept

You can use the AddAdditionalResponse and AdditionalResponse parameters to customize the response that a specific Room resource will respond with.

Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "Room1" -AddAdditionalResponse:$true -AddAdditionalResponse:"<font color-red> Add your response</font>"

You can also set the response in OWA by logging in as that Room mailbox.

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    In addition to this solution the change the language of the roommailbox to Danish. Which also can be done with OWA or powershell. Set-Mailbox -Identity "myroom" -Language da-dk – Tom Jan 24 '12 at 12:04