
I am seeking advice on a networking issue I have run into recently. I suspect that I a making an obvious mistake in my assumptions about connections between machines on separate networks.

My goal is to connect to a raspberry pi tcp server that I built in c++, through a mobile cellular hotspot. The connection works perfectly fine when through a local network. However, when I attempt to connect from my home network to the pi server, nothing seems to work.

I have already:

  • Verified the public IPv4 address that I am using to connect
  • Disabled IP filtering, firewalls, and set up port forwarding on the mobile hotspot
  • Tested connections with open source http servers, also with port forwarding, in the same situation, with no success

I am happy to post the server or client code, however I suspect that my mistake is somewhere in the assumptions I have made about connections between computers on separate networks.

Any advice on further tests to try or resources to consult would be appreciated.

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