Atmega328p interfaced with ESP8266, vibration sensor. atmega reads vibration data from the sensor at a frequency of 10khz. Each value is sent over UDP using esp8266 UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode to a raspberry pi sitting at a distance. The sample number is 9000.

Like this, raspberry pi receives data from a 7 atmega boards. That is only 7 clients are there to transmitt vibration data to raspberry pi.

I was thinking of moving the UDP mode to TCP. As research tells that, TCP is able to do retransmission of packets if it is lost due to interference or anyother reason. Also, It has congestion controll, error checks, flow control.

What is the chance of congestion, error, flow control in a small LAN?

When I sent data to esp using command "AT+CIPSEND", How do I know the TCP buffer is full due to the TCP retransmission?

  • Are you currently experiencing network issues? Or you think you're missing packets? Perhaps your first move should be to watch and capture the traffic on the Raspberry PI for example using tcpdump, to make sure there is a regular stream of incoming data. If your wires are more than 100 meters long, or damaged this could cause network issues, there are so many things that can go wrong depending on your setup. Please describe your issue more in depth. Switching to TCP may be appropriate on a poor/unreliable connection but it's far form certain this will solve your particular problem. – Kate Sep 16 '22 at 15:37

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