
I have a very weird problem when I try to resolve my domain ( wiki.stroeersocialpublishing.de ) with a static IP.

On some machines the DNS shows the correct IP ( ) and on other machines the DNS shows different IPs that are wrong.

It's a 50/50 chance that the IP is correct. The problem is still there even after setting up a new EC2 instance in AWS.

Is this an AWS problem? Because flushing the DNS does not solve this problem.

I don't know if this question already answers my problem.

An explanation would help me to understand (and maybe solve) my problem.

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  • What is your domain name, and what IP do you expect? We can't really help without that information. Does your EC2 instance have a public / elastic IP? Are you using a load balancer? What DNS server / service are you using? – Tim Sep 15 '22 at 08:42
  • The domain is `wiki.stroeersocialpublishing.de` its IP should be the elastic IP `` and for the test purposes I used the google DNS ``. There is no load balancer. – Anonymous Sep 15 '22 at 10:38
  • Can you confirm the behavior by logging onto those machines and run `nslookup wiki.stroeersocialpublishing.de`? That command should print out more about the actual resolution. – Lex Li Sep 15 '22 at 19:08

2 Answers2


Using DnsChecker I can see that major DNS providers (Google, CloudFlare, OpenDNS) report the IP for the domain correctly, as does my ISP. I suspect the problem is with your client.


What problem is this causing? Can you not access the domain? Are others reporting a problem? If multiple people are reporting the problem do they all use the same ISP? You could try querying some local DNS providers to see what they report.


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We figured out the problem. The problem is that our domain has two NS and they return completly random the correct or incorrect IP. It isn't a problem of the client, which DNS, or from which ISP you dig. The first NS has the correct IP and the second didn't got the update that we have a new IP address. The second NS thinks that the old IP is still correct.

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