
Receiving this error on two different IPhones in different zip codes for a single website. No error logs on server, but site won’t load.

However loads fine on desktop chrome. Any clues on where to begin debugging?

Edit: A weirder wrinkle. Prefixing the domain with www fixes it temporarily. Like it will work for a bit, and then randomly when clicking on an internal link, it stops working. Then adding www to that same link will fix it, but nothing else will

Also - https://ssllabs.com can’t connect without the www, but reports A+ when connecting with www.

And this just happened out of the blue. No changes to the server that I know of and definitely none to the site. And it was working yesterday. And had been since June with no downtime.

update: Further info. I’ve tried updating/replacing ssl certs/ changing to ECDSA, P-384, and RSA 2048,4096. No change.

I’m also seeing the following error on the WordPress dashboard site health screen: cURL error 35: error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure (http_request_failed)

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  • Whoever downvoted me, fine, but this is an unresolved issue and if my question can be improved so that I can get a helpful answer, I’d really like to hear feedback. – dgo Sep 08 '22 at 00:57
  • Is this only related to iPhones or do other devices have the same issue. What is the webserver and what is the relevant config for the site? – user9517 Sep 08 '22 at 07:52
  • @user9517 - as far as I can tell it’s only on iPhones. Haven’t done a complete test, but works on desktop. It’s an Apache web server. I’m not sure what config would be relevant. Could be htaccess, but it hasn’t been changed recently, and there’s nothing in there that’s significant. – dgo Sep 08 '22 at 11:59
  • The reason is that more info is better than less and from your original question it was not clear what the scale if the issue is. Try turning the phones off and on again. – user9517 Sep 08 '22 at 13:57
  • @user9517 - I know more info is better. (I don't know what you are referring to with the word 'reason' in your comment). I just don't know what info would be helpful. Also - they are two different phones owned by two different people, not connected in any way. There is no possibility it could be something related to these phones specifically. I am fairly sure it is something about the way Safari processes ssl certificates and a certificate renewal or something similar caused this. I just don't know how to get started fixing it. – dgo Sep 08 '22 at 18:08
  • The `reason` for asing for more information ... – user9517 Sep 09 '22 at 06:27
  • It could be device related. I have had issues with my own iOS device telling me a cert is untrusted even though I know it is valid but recently (within hours) changed. – user9517 Sep 09 '22 at 06:29
  • @user9517 - I don't see how it could be device related when it happens on two different devices owned by two different people. – dgo Sep 09 '22 at 23:37

1 Answers1

  1. Check for Appropriate Certification : To keep it simple, make sure you are accessing the correct website by clicking on the address bar. You should examine the URLs and look for the green lock icon in front of the site address. If it looks gray, it’s probably a clever phishing site with the exact logo and layout of a bank or other website you visit frequently.

  2. Clear Browser History : Safari’s option to clear Browser History is a double-edged sword. Usually the Clear Browser History option removes the list of websites you have visited. However, the latest iteration of Safari removes related data such as cookies and content of related sites. So drive carefully.

  • Unfortunately this behavior is present on two different iPhones owned by two different people in two different locations. But I tried anyway clearing the cache, and it didn’t help. – dgo Sep 08 '22 at 11:56