I prepared a drive for installing Ubuntu on it and formatted it as ReiserFS using GParted.

But there is no ReiserFS option in the ubuntu installer, so I have to choose a different file system type, but that does not suit me.

How can I still install Ubuntu on ReiserFS?


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  • Honestly I do not see serious reason to use unsupported filesystem. Can you clarify? – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 07:03
  • @RomeoNinov because that issue: https://serverfault.com/questions/1110122 – niXman Sep 07 '22 at 09:12
  • Have you try XFS? – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 09:13
  • Moreover ServerFault is for managing information technology systems in a business environment. And no one with common sense will use non-supported product on production system. – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 09:15
  • @RomeoNinov but the wiki for XFS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS) says that filename max is 255 bytes too – niXman Sep 07 '22 at 09:17
  • I have no problem with XFS, just test it: `touch "/home/romeo/Translations/Ф-119-Д/заключение об аннулировании, исправлении и-или дополнении акта о гражданском состоянии_рум-русс.docx" [romeo@rhel01 ~]$ ls -l "/home/romeo/Translations/Ф-119-Д/заключение об аннулировании, исправлении и-или дополнении акта о гражданском состоянии_рум-русс.docx" -rw-rw-r-- 1 romeo romeo 0 Sep 7 12:42 '/home/romeo/Translations/Ф-119-Д/заключение об аннулировании, исправлении и-или дополнении акта о гражданском состоянии_рум-русс.docx'` – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 09:44
  • hmm.. very strange... – niXman Sep 07 '22 at 11:28
  • And will be wise to find a way to shorten the filenames :) – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 11:32
  • @RomeoNinov I have reinstalled Ubuntu using XFS but the error the same. – niXman Sep 07 '22 at 20:30
  • My result is from RHEL. But IMHO you do something wrong. Try for example to set LANG to `en_us.UTF8` not `ru_ru.UTF8` for example – Romeo Ninov Sep 07 '22 at 20:41
  • but my result is from Ubuntu-based. `echo $LANG` -> `en_US.UTF-8` – niXman Sep 07 '22 at 22:09
  • Few point to consider: use relative paths, shorten the filenames/directories, use directory structure to "describe" part of functionality of file, try to remove vowels from words – Romeo Ninov Sep 08 '22 at 05:42
  • @RomeoNinov the error occurs even when I trying to create the file using filename only, without the path. moreover, I can create the file when filename in bytes is 143... – niXman Sep 08 '22 at 06:00
  • Let us [continue this discussion in chat](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/139062/discussion-between-romeo-ninov-and-nixman). – Romeo Ninov Sep 08 '22 at 06:07

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