
I have a home server with a general broadband connection. As you know every broadband has a private IP (, but I bought additional public IP( with my connection. I already installed CentOS7 with Apache phpMyAdmin. Everything works fine when I point the domain as an A record to the server IP( and host a website without any issue. Now I want to point to the domain using a nameserver. I have registered the child nameserver on GoDaddy such as ns1 and ns2 and pointing on the server's public IP( The nameservers are giving ping from, but while updating the nameserver (ns1,ns2) of the domain, it looks dead.

Am I missing something? Do I need to configure or map the Private( or Public IP( on the server level? Please help me with the configuration here. Thanks

  • On side you need DNS Server such bind9 or etc, and make sure port DNS (53) expose to public so your DNS Server can be query by root DNS – YonzLeon Sep 06 '22 at 17:05
  • Questions on Server Fault must be about managing information technology systems in a business environment. Home and end-user computing questions may be asked on Super User – djdomi Sep 06 '22 at 17:13
  • Did you buy secondary servers for your domain or you just domain name only? – gapsf Sep 06 '22 at 17:25
  • aslong as the question is off topic due non business environment relationship we will help you to move your question to superuser.com. but however you need at least 2 Nameserver which have to have 2 different servers and ips. not shown... so and you may use godaddy for this if godaddy is your service provider. Else you can maybe set static in a entrys. but you did not provide enough information to let us help you – djdomi Sep 06 '22 at 17:43
  • @YonzLeon port 53 is already opened and we are already using Bild9. Still no DNS propagation. – ghost007 Sep 06 '22 at 21:03
  • @djdomi I am new here. please help me to understand how I get help on this forum. – ghost007 Sep 06 '22 at 21:05
  • In bind9 there is options to control from what IPs zone transfers are allowed. You should configure them. Check logs for ixfr axfr zone transfer requests – gapsf Sep 06 '22 at 21:08
  • @gapsf I already have a working server from another provider which is working fine. But I am trying to build a home server that will be available to use for users across the globe. – ghost007 Sep 06 '22 at 21:09
  • @gapsf i tried but couldn't understand. is there any way I can contact you privately? if possible could you please inbox me so I can share the config deatils? – ghost007 Sep 06 '22 at 21:30
  • Dear Ghost, please consider "[What is on topic](https://serverfault.com/help/on-topic)" to understand, that yourself must be an professional Administrator on a business platform to ask here. End-User Question like yours, should be using [superuser.com](https://superuser.com). That means that a Home-Server is not a business Platform and will not be supported by serverfault. This might also the reason, why you got Downvoted, just for your understanding. You could flag your question on your own for movement to Superuser, this will link the question from here to superuser and will left no gap. – djdomi Sep 07 '22 at 04:19
  • @ghost007 i don't have your inbox – gapsf Sep 07 '22 at 14:48
  • @gapsf my mail id is - ksbazaar.bwn@gmail.com. Can you please mail me? – ghost007 Sep 12 '22 at 11:31
  • @ghost007 Sent you email – gapsf Sep 12 '22 at 11:44

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