I'm using the Kea dhcp server, and I want to use the DHCP options to send data to the server's clients. Following the instructions here, I listed the option with the "always-send": true field set.

However, this seems to only send it in the initial Discover -> Offer -> Request -> Ack process. When the client renews its lease, it does a shorter Request -> Ack sequence in which kea does not provide the custom option in question. I need to send it again because the value may have been changed since the client last connected.

How do I configure Kea such that it will send my DHCP options in all of the Acks to renew a lease?

1 Answers1


As best I can tell (reinforced by the deafening silence from other people on this question), this isn't something Kea supports by default. I wrote a custom Kea hook to send the DHCP options that I want to send (documentation for how to do this is available on their website).