I have a public DNS server running on a Windows server with the hostname dc01.

A nameserver for this hostname (dc01) keeps getting added to the DNS zone:

If I try to delete it, then reload the zone and refresh; the record is immediately recreated.

Running a DNS check for my domain name on MX Toolbox shows an RFC 1035 violation for Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent in that Windows DNS Server is publishing 3 records, but only 2 records are listed at the parent DNS server (ns1 and ns2).

I could fix this by adding dc01 as a nameserver record in my parent DNS server (domain registrar), but I don't actually want 3 nameservers - I just want the 2.

How can I prevent Windows DNS Server from creating the dc01 NS-record?

As an aside, I know that the 2 nameservers should be on separate IP's.

Also, the following changes have been made to DC01 and the DNS Server service was subsequently restarted:

DNS > Zone > General > Dynamic Updates = None

NIC > Properties > Advanced > DNS > Register this connection's addresses in DNS = Unchecked (disabled)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters\RegisterDnsARecords = 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters\PublishAddresses =

These changes prevent the internal 192.x.x.x IP address for DC01 from being published publicly to the world in the zone as an A-record. Instead the external public IP is published to the dc01 A-record.

Danny Beckett
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1 Answers1


Each DNS zone should have SOA record containing administrative information about the zone.

In SOA record there is domain-name of the name server that was the original or primary source of data for this zone - primary server.

In your case Windows DNS server forces zone to have NS record for the primary server specified in the SOA.

Change primary server name in SOA from dc01.incredibleit.uk to ns1.incredibleit.uk (or ns2) to get rid of dc01.incredibleit.uk in the Name Servers list.

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