Typical mail server with Postfix and Dovecot if well configured, rejects efficiently vast majority of spammers attempts. There are two things though, which are not dealt with in typical configurations I worked with:

  1. scripts that attempt "forever", even if not DOSing the server, they still waste resources
  2. brute force attempts, to which the same as above applies plus the potential threat of eventually breaking-in

I've checked the ubiquitous fail2ban approach but it never really won my heart ;-) Feels "brittle" (to say the least) to me. Now, that's not to denigrate the work that went into fail2ban and it's supplied jails/configs. It's just that depending on parsing logs, which nobody (?) can guarantee to remain the same, for security related aspects doesn't rank high in my books. I've also found a few settings in:




yet it's not exactly what I'd be looking for. Namely banning the offenders quickly, without generally affecting the server's performance. Right – something like fail2ban but without its downsides ;-)

I can imagine a kind of "reverse proxy" for mail services, which would take on the external traffic, track IP addresses and talk to Postfix/Dovecot, handling responses/errors on protocol level w/o resorting to logs parsing.

Or what would you suggest?

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  • Are you sure you need to allow passwords that will realistically be guessed before the sun swallows the earth? Password managers are a thing now. – anx Aug 13 '22 at 19:06
  • What is the actual impact of the resource waste you have noticed? You simply might have already passed the point after which adding more mitigations can no longer improve overall reliability and efficiency, because all that is left is harmless background noise. – anx Aug 13 '22 at 19:13
  • On average the impact is not huge but I currently have only a small subsection of whole userbase so the legitimate traffic is still low enough to not show much problems. Once I put in the several hundreds of users AND a surge of junk traffic comes in, that will be too late to fix ;-) – silverdr Aug 15 '22 at 11:10

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