I'm trying to set up a deployment to SCP a file from Bamboo (running on Linux host) to a remote Windows server.

I've set up a bamboo user and SSH keys, and can confirm that SCPing works from the CLI on the Bamboo server to the remote Windows host and even in the deployment, as the logs show that SCP is able to make a connection. This works only when I tweak the local path to use a slash and the file name, like so "/testfile". But what ends up happening is no file gets sent over, yet the deployment succeeds.

When I change the local path to just the filename itself, the deployment hangs on uploading the file but no error occurs. It just hangs indefinitely. I'm pretty sure the issue here is the syntax for the SCP Task, namely the Local Path part.

Here's a screenshot of my SCP task: https://i.imgur.com/Fxr2Fni.png

Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm not seeing many examples as to how to use the SCP task.

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