The command:
create_subnet=$(aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id "$create_vpc" --cidr-block | jq -r '.subnet[].subnetid')
The output:
"subnet": {
"availabilityzone": "us-west-1b",
"availabilityzoneid": "usw1-az3",
"availableipaddresscount": 251,
"cidrblock": "",
"defaultforaz": false,
"mappubliciponlaunch": false,
"state": "available",
"subnetid": "subnet-0745e1611cf09a69a",
"vpcid": "vpc-07c1508663040cbf7",
"ownerid": "232856593288",
"assignipv6addressoncreation": false,
"ipv6cidrblockassociationset": [],
"subnetarn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-1:232856593288:subnet/subnet-0745e1611cf09a69a",
"enabledns64": false,
"ipv6native": false,
"privatednsnameoptionsonlaunch": {
"hostnametype": "ip-name",
"enableresourcenamednsarecord": false,
"enableresourcenamednsaaaarecord": false
I need to take the line which is: subnet-0745e1611cf09a69a and store it into the variable create_subnet
When i execute the script with bash -x i get the follow error:
++ jq -r '.subnet[].subnetid'
++ aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id vpc-09399bbc31c98efe7 --cidr-block
jq: error (at <stdin>:24): Cannot iterate over null (null)
Maybe i writed the syntax wrong or something like that? I mean for this - jq -r '.subnet[].subnetid'