I have a SRX340 running 22.2R1.9 with a NTP problem where it seems like the xntpd process is dead.

When I change the configuration to add a new NTP server, the new NTP server does not show up in show ntp associations.

When I issue the command - restart ntpd-server, I get the following output:

user@gw> restart ntpd-service  
error: pid in file //var/run/xntpd.pid unreasonably small (0)  
error: Network time process is not running  
error: Network time process was not restarted 

The command show ntp associations shows my first NTP server but the not the second one.

remote refid auth st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* .GPS. - 1 u 315 1024 377 1.807 +0.948 0.199

Here is the system ntp configuration:

ntp {  

Here is the ps command from a shell showing the process:

root 2045 0.0 0.1 19092 6080 ?? S 22Jul22 1:41.58 /usr/sbin/xntpd -j -N -g (ntpd)

Any suggestions?

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