I'm testing out HashiCorp Vault using their developer tier managed offering while I'm figuring things out. The public URL looks kind of like this: https://vault-cluster-public-vault-00000000.00000000.yy.hashicorp.cloud:8200

This might be a XY-problem: Ultimately I'm trying to fetch secrets via Puppet using the TLS Certificates auth method. When running puppet agent --test I get "client certificate must be supplied", I am able to reproduce it using curl:

sudo curl \
    --request POST \
    --cert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/vault-cluster-public-vault-00000000.00000000.yy.hashicorp.cloud.pem \
    --key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/vault-cluster-public-vault-00000000.00000000.yy.hashicorp.cloud.pem \
    --data '{"name": "puppet-server"}' \
    --header "X-Vault-Namespace: admin" \

This returns:

{"errors":["client certificate must be supplied"]}

Based on many answers, others say it might come down to setting tls_disable_client_certs, or tls_require_and_verify_client_cert, or tls_client_ca_file in the "config stanza": https://stackoverflow.com/a/52405154/604048

As I'm paying for a managed server, I don't know where to do this. How do I change this configuration? I can't find any configuration options in their portal.

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