I have tested multiple configuration of pool and created multiple placement target.

However i had deleted placement group and pools (index, non-ec and data pool) before deleting the bucket.

Since this time buckets still appearing in users s3 bucket listing and in bucket list on radosgw-admin buckets list

I have tried to remove the bucket :

radosgw-admin bucket rm --bucket=faulty-bucket --purge-objects --inconsistent-index --yes-i-really-mean-it --bypass-gc

Also tried to purge index :

radosgw-admin bi purge --bucket=faulty-bucket

With error returned :

ERROR: bs.init(bucket=:faulty-bucket[b431564c-c34e-44c1-9e72-aaf8a06e82ec.65712.7]), shard=0): 2022-07-19T15:29:11.765+0200 7f0c229c4840 0 could not find placement rule benchmark-placement within zonegroup (22) Invalid argument

2022-07-19T15:29:11.765+0200 7f0c229c4840 0 ERROR: open_bucket_index_shard() returned ret=-22

So i have tried to recreate placement target and redo these commands, but after that no errors had being returned and buckets still here.

There is a way to remove manually the bucket index on the rgw zone ?

Thomas Coche
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