When kube-proxy iptables rules are NOT applied, I can, for example, run: curl -k https://kibana.default.svc.cluster.local:443/api/status (IP address of kibana is

But, as soon as the kube-proxy rules automatically apply on my node, I can no longer curl the url. This prevents some kube pods from creating successfully as they need to curl certain https urls during initialization and fail if they cannot. Here are the iptables rules that the kube-proxy applies (See Image Attached of "iptables -S"). I tried deleting some of them that looked like they may be causing the drop, but no luck and they auto populate after a short time anyway. Anyone see any rules that may be causing this? Any help is appreciated as I am not too familiar with how kube-proxy applies its rules and how to read them in iptables.

IPtable -S Rules

Jeff M
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