I use puppet/Vcsrepo to distribute and update software to a bunch of linux servers from a Bitbucket(cloud) server. This worked fine for years but about 6 months ago Puppet started complaining about every repository Error: Path /usr/local/tools/... exists and is not the desired repository. on every run. I think the issue may have started when we moved from on on prem version of bitbucket to the cloud version.

If I delete the path and run puppet the it replaces the directory and then barfs again on the next run. I have ended up deleting the repositories whenever I need them updated.

The puppet code has been simplified down to:

  define deploy(Array $names) {

    $names.each |$repo| {
      vcsrepo { "/usr/local/tools/$repo":
        ensure   => present,
        provider => git,
        user     => 'tools',
        source   => "https://xxxx@bitbucket.org/uoa/$repo.git",


  $names_list = [

  ...::deploy {"base-tools":
    names => $names_list,

Any ideas what the issue is or how to diagnose the problem.

Russell Fulton
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