I have setup a pi running Pi OS 11 as a VPN gateway for my local network using Wireguard & Nftables, that all works fine.

However, I wish to switch over to firewalld to be compatible with docker without using iptables.

What I have so far is this:

  • internal zone: eth0
  • external zone: wg0

I cannot figure out how to get firewalld to forward traffic between eth0 & wg0. With raw nftables I just have the following, my forward chain drops by default:

nft insert rule inet firewall forward iifname "eth0" oifname "wg0" accept
nft insert rule inet firewall forward iifname "wg0" oifname "eth0" ct state related,established accept

But I cannot find out how to conditionally forward between interfaces, as the above rules.

I do not want eth0 in the external zone with wg0 as I want internet access kill-switched if the VPN goes down, plus it sort of goes against the whole idea of zones no? eth0 is just for the LAN & wg0 is for external connectivity.

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