If you're comfortable with VBScript it's not hard to write a script that searches for files. This approach can be time consuming compared to using built in tools, but it allows great flexibility because you can tweak the script to use whatever criteria you want.
How about something like:
' **********************************************************************
' FindAllFiles.vbs
' ================
' Demo file find script
' **********************************************************************
option explicit
const top_folder_name = "C:\temp"
dim fso, top_folder
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
wl "Searching for folders in " & top_folder_name
set top_folder = fso.GetFolder(top_folder_name)
FindAllFiles top_folder
' *** Finished
wscript.quit 0
' **********************************************************************
' FindAllFiles
' ------------
' **********************************************************************
sub FindAllFiles(faf_Folder)
dim cur_folder, cur_file
' *** Check all subfolders of the current folder
for each cur_folder in faf_Folder.SubFolders
FindAllFiles cur_folder
' *** Now get all files in this folder
for each cur_file in faf_Folder.Files
' Do your checks on name, date, attributes or whatever here
wl cur_file.Path & "\" & cur_file.Name
' *** All finished
end sub
' **********************************************************************
' wl
' --
' **********************************************************************
sub wl(s)
wscript.echo s
end sub
John Rennie