I'm deploying ProxySQL on Docker. When I try connecting to my database via ProxySQL, MariaDB rejected my login attempt as follows:

Access denied for user 'usarr'@''

( is the container's "internal" IP address.)

The Docker host itself has LAN address of And the user configured in MariaDB is 'usarr'@'192.168.9.%'

How do I configure ProxySQL to connect as usarr@

I've tried reading the (very confusing) documentation for ProxySQL and couldn't figure out how.

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  • If you're looking for an alternative approach, MariaDB MaxScale also supports [the proxy protocol](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-maxscale-6-mariadb-maxscale-configuration-guide/#proxy_protocol). One thing to remember is to make sure you have the ProxySQL IP in the [proxy_protocol_networks](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/server-system-variables/#proxy_protocol_networks) variable, otherwise it won't accept it. – markusjm Feb 23 '22 at 14:01

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