I am trying to run a binary sitting on the host machine using systemd-nspawn with networking support. I am trying to run multiple copies of the binary where each instance would have its IP address.

I tried various networking options like --network-veth, --network-zone etc. While these options are setting up the necessary veth pairs and bridge devices etc, the container doesn't seem to be getting an IP address. I have read that for the container to get an IP, we should be running systemd-networkd inside the container. Considering I am running a binary, this isn't possible.

Is there any other way to achieve this, other than manually setting up the interfaces and assigning IP's etc.

I know this is supported out of the box by docker, but the problem is, docker depends on an image, and I would really love to do this with something other than docker.

NOTE: I have achieved this manually by creating network namespaces, bridges and running the process inside the namespace etc. But in search of out of the box solutions, if any.

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