I'm in the process of learning kubernetes and docker swarm. I really appreciate how you can create several servers as work nodes and cluster/swarm them together. Then use commands like kubectl get pods or docker ps -a to see all pods/containers across all services connected to the same cluster/swarm.

This got me wondering if:

  1. Is it a popular to run database and node js apps across VPS instances (eg. linode, digital ocean, etc...) WITHOUT the use of containerized environments like kubernetes/docker swarm?
  2. If the answer to 1. is yes, then are there VPS orchestration tools comparable kubernetes/docker swarm, but for non-containerized environments? That is, most processes will probably be start/stopped via systemd/systemctl. For example, I have a naive expectation that it would be nice if I can do something like vps-orchestration-cli list api-*-services, which basically shows the health of all my systemd jobs for my nodejs api app running on each VPS in my network.
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