I have centos 7 as BGP Router with FRR, and have 2 interface 1. Public 1. Customer . On Public interface i put mikrotik as traffic shapping . There's 2 block with private IP (10.11.12.x/24 and 10.11.13.x/24) NAT behind BGP Router, there's no problem with SNAT they can reach internet without problem. Problem is in Traffic Shapping router just Private IP on queue can't limit. The Public IP no problem . Here's the topoology. What i'm missing ?

                   | x.x.x.x/24
         |                                |
         |  Centos BGP Router  (NAT)      |
         |                                |
             |                      |

Public Interface | | Customer Interface | | | | | | +---|----------------------|-----+ | | | | | | Mikrotik Traffic policer- | | | | | | | | | +------|-----------|-------------+ | | | | Client With Private IP | 10.11.12.x.xx Clients with Public IP (103.217.xx.xx)

Here is Nat Rule on BGP Router :

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination SNAT all -- anywhere to:103.217.xxx.xxx SNAT all -- anywhere to:103.217.xxx.xxx

Please need advice , thank you

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