With a setup of two NICs on a server into two different switches where each NIC has a different IP (But both on the same network), and then the switches to the router. How would I configure the two ports on the router to be redundant so that one port goes to one switch and the other port to the other switch. The router is a Cisco 3825, switches are Dell Power connect 5324s.
The idea being that as long as applications on the server are configured to work with both IPs, any 1 NIC or 1 switch could fail and the service would still be up. I understand the router would still be a single point of failure.
Little background, I moving my whole datacenter and don't have that much time to plan, so this sort of redundancy might be out of the scope of what I can learn and do with the time I have.
However, I am going to be rewiring everything and maybe purchasing stuff. I almost have enough switches to connect all servers to two different switches, and have a 3800 and a spare 2800 router. If I keep configurations as they are now, but put the second NIC into a redundant switch for each server, and then those second switches into the second router, will I be ready to set up this sort of redundancy as far as physical configuration is concerned? Might this configuration be limiting in my redundancy options, or which route I go will this basically be the physical layout?