Our organization uses Gitlab to host all our git-repositories. Most commits refer to one (sometimes more) Jira-tickets and/or other issue-trackers. Something like:

Add a widget to the trinket

Jira: FOOBAR-1117
ServiceNow: INC0000001319

or even simply:

FOOBAR-1119: add a bell to the wistle

The commit-messages themselves are, obviously, in plain text -- and that's, how it should be. However, when viewing individual commits (or the whole history) with a browser, one would like the ticket-references to be clickable -- each one leading directly to the referenced ticket.

Can Gitlab be configured to do such a thing automatically?

Atlassian Jira, for example, can be configured to link tickets to commits in Git, Subversion and other revision-control systems: when viewing FOOBAR-1119, I can see all commits referencing it.

Can Gitlab be likewise configured to link to the issue-tracker(s), when rendering a commit-message in HTML?

Mikhail T.
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