I have a brand new windows 2008 server (64 bit) with a brand new installation of Office 2007, fully patched with all windows updates etc.

Every time I try to run any of the office apps it crashes immediately, even in safe mode.

the only remotely useful information I get is:

 Exception Code: c0000005
 Exception Data: 00000008

If I Run in compatibility mode for windows XP, everything is fine.

Anyone ever seen this before? I've tried turning off DEP but that made no difference either



3 Answers3


Could you trace what's going on with Process Monitor from sysinternals ? It's free and you can get it here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx

If you send me the trace file, i can look what is generating this error

Mathieu Chateau
  • 3,175
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Check Event Viewer (both Application and System). Test the memory on the server with memtes86+. Search for other logs (search for all files changed in the last few minutes). Check if you have enough disk space.

Mircea Vutcovici
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Have you checked the minidump yet? It might give you a very good idea of what's causing the crash (likely a driver). MS has a KB on how to read minidumps.

Chris S
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