I am using a kong reverse proxy to proxy every HTTP request for my web servers. I would like to mitigate the current log4j problem ("log4shell") by finding and replace the critical attacers' strings like "jndi". For example I found this im my logs:


I think this could be accomplished by using the request transformer plugin. Has anyone already done this?

P.S. Just replaceing jndi by disabled is too far-reaching and breaks a lot of things.

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1 Answers1


The guys from kong themselves recently sent a blog post that answers my question. They developed a kong plugin that mitigates the exploit.

I added this plugin to my kong by changing my Dockerfile:

FROM kong:2.6
USER root
# log4shell mitigation
# see https://konghq.com/blog/log4j-log4shell/
RUN git clone https://github.com/brentos/kong-plugin-log4shell && \
    cd kong-plugin-log4shell && \
    luarocks make
ENV KONG_PLUGINS ...,log4shell
USER kong

Then I just added this log4shell as a global plugin.

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